Our first stop of the evening was at the Bridge on the River Kwai, which was built by Allied POWs during WWII while Thailand was under Japanese occupation... there's a movie and book about this which I fully intend on watching and reading as soon as I get a chance. Dinner on the river was fantastic, and all the Thai food was muy sabroso as usual, but I must say that the enormous chicken drumsticks was the standout dish for me... think NC State Fair drumsticks, but hotter and crispier... yesh.
(view from the restaurant... you can see the lights on the bridge in the background)
We got to the resort, and after a few minutes of walking around I got the impression that it was the kind of place where you'd film movies like Dirty Dancing or something of that nature. It was in its own little world with mountains and a small lake in view, and just gorgeous... so we immediately bought out all the beer in the hotel and got to work.
Our group took over the downstairs game room area equipped with a pong table, pool tables, VIP karoake room, and DJ room that played dance music while showing borderline stripper girls on a projector screen. It smelled like Spring Break.
Up way early in the morning for main attraction... ELEPHANT TREKKING!! I'm going to make this short and just say that it rocked. They gave Lee an umbrella to hold during the ride, and we thoroughly entertained ourselves by singing "maaaake waaaaaay... for Priiiiiin-cess Leeeeeee..." throughout the duration of the ride.
Chang Love.
Next up: Chiang Mai...
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